Regarding the meaning of vacuum in vacuum circuit breakers, there are many types of circuit breakers, including vacuum circuit breakers, more oil and less oil circuit breakers, sulfur hexafluoride circuit breakers, compressed air circuit breakers, etc. The vacuum circuit breakers have strong arc extinguishing capabilities. The arc can be extinguished quickly.
There are many types of circuit breakers: more oil circuit breakers, less oil circuit breakers, sulfur hexafluoride circuit breakers, compressed air circuit breakers, vacuum circuit breakers.
These are named after the arc extinguishing medium, and the nature of the arc extinguishing medium determines the strength of the arc extinguishing ability. The arc extinguishing ability of the vacuum circuit breaker is very strong, and the arc can be extinguished quickly. But in fact, there is no vacuum inside. Some air will be added deliberately for safety.
So the vacuum circuit breaker is not a vacuum in the strict sense, do you get it?
Post time: Mar-16-2021